Methods of Structural Analysis 2


1. In column analogy method , the area of an analogous column for a fixed beam of span L and flexural rigidity EI is taken as

... Answer is A


2. The degree of static indeterminacy up to which column analogy method can be used is

... Answer is B


3. the deflection at any point of a perfect frame can be obtained by applying a unit load at the joint in

... Answer is D


4. In the slope deflection equations, the deformations are considered to be caused by
        (i)     bending moment
        (ii)    shear force
        (iii)   axial force
        the correct answer is

... Answer is A


5. The three moment equation is applicable only when 

... Answer is C


6. while using three moment equation, a fixed end of a continuous beam is replaced by an additional span of

... Answer is A


7. the castigliano's second theorem can be used to compute deflections

... Answer is B


8. bending moment at any section in a conjugate beam gives in the actual beam

... Answer is C


9. which of the following is not the displacement method?

... Answer is B


10. In the displacement method of structural analysis, the basic unknowns are

... Answer is A

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Highway Engineering Introduction 4


1. City roads meant for through traffic usually on continious routes

... Answer is C


2. Centeral portion of roads for high speed vehicular traffic

... Answer is D


3. Portion of road surface used for vehicular traffic

... Answer is A


4. In which of the following surveys of road soil profile, sampling done upto a depth of 1m to 3m below the existing ground level?

... Answer is A


5. In Water Bound Mecadam roads

... Answer is D


6. Department of Public Works  was formed to look after  the work of road construction during the period of

... Answer is A


7. Motor Vehicle  Act was enacted in

... Answer is D


8. Unit cost of transportation Au on a section of highway may be calculated as____________ where L= length of highway in Km, N=Total number of vehicles on road per year, A= Total annual cost of highway transpotation.

... Answer is B


9. State Highways should have_____m wide carriage and ____m wide shoulders on each aide.

... Answer is D


10. Total Annual cost of highway transportation , A can be calculated as_________, where B=Annula cost of highway, C=Annula cost of single vehicle operation, N=Total number of vehicles on road per year.

... Answer is B


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Highway Engineering Introduction 3


1. Longest road constructed during the time of ShershaSuri was from

... Answer is B


2. The Central Road Research Institute is controlled by 

... Answer is C


3. Recommended Camber for Water Bound Mecadam is

... Answer is C
Camber=1 in 36

4. In which of the following was cross drainage first introduced?

... Answer is C


5. In Telford construction, side portions were made up of only one layer of brocken stones and levelled off to give a cambe of

... Answer is D


6. A road within a city or town is called

... Answer is B


7. As per recommendations of IRC, NH having 2 lanes must be atleast____ wide 

... Answer is B


8. Road connecting Capital cities of States is called

... Answer is D


9. In Nagpur Confrence, minimum width of Village Road was recommended as

... Answer is D 


10. Indian Roads and Transport Development Association, IRTDA was set up on

... Answer is B
HQ at Bombay


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Introduction to survey - 4


1. The principle of construction of diagonal scale is based on

... Answer is B


2. Methods of surveying considering shape of earth is called

... Answer is B


3. The top of map on a paper should point to

... Answer is C


4. Survey which is carried out to depict mountains, rivers, waterbodies, wooded areas and other cultural details are known as

... Answer is C


5. 10 square chain is equal to

... Answer is D


6. 484 square yard is equal to

... Answer is A


7. The part of surveying which deals with measurement in vertical plane is known as

... Answer is A


8. The least count of the vernier used in Abney level is

... Answer is C


9. In surveying the relative position of points are located by measurements from atleast

... Answer is A


10. Which survey is used to collect the details of boundaries of field, houses and other properties

... Answer is C


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Highway Engineering Introduction 2



1. __________ is an arterial facility designed for high speed and high volume traffic in non urban areas

... Answer is A


2. For hilly regions Border Road Organisation was formed in which year

... Answer is B
Know more about major highway development plans Click here


3. The foundation for Modern Highway construction was laid by

... Answer is B


4. First operation during the detailed survey of Hill road is________

... Answer is C


5. The duration of Long term plan for the Development of Roads in India was___years

... Answer is D
To know more about 20 year plans click here


6. According to recommendations of Nagpur Confrence, width of formation of an ideal National highway in hard rock cutting is  

... Answer is A


7. The Grand Trunk Road was constructed during

... Answer is B


8. Seperate class of highway with superior facilities and design standards, meant for route having very high volume of traffic is called_________

... Answer is B


9. Road Connecting two towns is called___________

... Answer is A


10. The Central Road Road Research Institute CRRI was formed in which year? 

... Answer is C


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Introduction to survey - 3



1. The principle of survey is to work

... Answer is B


2. In case of location map , the scale is usually

... Answer is C


3. Hydrographic survey deal with the mapping of

... Answer is A


4. The smallest length that can be drawn on a map is

... Answer is A


5. Surveyor which are carried out to provide a national grid of control for preparation of accurate maps of large areas are known as

... Answer is B


6. The survey conducted for unearthing relies of antiquity

... Answer is D


7. 1 yard =

... Answer is C


8. When 1cm on a map 10m on the ground, the representative fraction of the scale is

... Answer is C


9. If the smallest division of a vernier is shorter than the smallest division of it's primary scale the vernier is known as

... Answer is A


10. The degree of precision required in survey work mainly depends upon

... Answer is C


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Methods of Structural Analysis 1


1. The principle of virtual work can be applied to elastic system by considering the virtual work of

... Answer is C


2. castigliano's first theorem is applicable

... Answer is C


3. principle of superposition is applicable when

... Answer is A


4. in moment distribution method,the sum of distribution factors of all the members meeting at any joint is always

... Answer is C


5. the carryover factor in a prismatic member whose far end is fixed is

... Answer is B


6. the carryover factor in a prismatic member whose far end is hinged is

... Answer is A


7. the moment required to rotate the near end of a prismatic beam through a unit angle without translation , the far end being simply supported, is given by

... Answer is A


8. the moment required to rotate the near end of a prismatic beam through unit angle, without translation ( the far eng being fixed), is given by

... Answer is D


9. if M is the external moment which rotates the near end of a prismatic beam without translation ( the far end being fixed), then the moment induced at the far end is

... Answer is A


10. the principle of superposition is not applicable when
        (i)     the material does not obey Hooke's law
        (ii)    the effects of temperature changes are taken into consideration
        (iii)   the structure is being analysed for the effect of support settlement
     the correct answer is    

... Answer is A

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