
1. The property of a material by virtue of which it regains its original dimensions after the withdrawal of the external load to which it is subjected is known as

... Answer is B


2. The materials which exhibit the same elastic properties in all direction are called

... Answer is C


3. The shearing stresses of a loaded beam at the neutral axis will be

... Answer is B


4. In a closed coiled helical spring which is subjected to axial tensile force the nature of stress set up in the wire is

... Answer is C


5. Pricipal planes are those planes on which 

... Answer is C


6. The stress included in a member due to suddenly applied load is how much times the stress for gradual loading.

... Answer is C


7. Due to torsion the shear stress intensity is minimum at

... Answer is A


8. When a member is rigidly fixed at the ends and its temperature falls it is under what stress

... Answer is B


9. When shear force at a apoint is zero then bending moment at that point will be

... Answer is D


10. Hook's law is valid upto

... Answer is B


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