Highway Engineering Introduction 4


1. City roads meant for through traffic usually on continious routes

... Answer is C


2. Centeral portion of roads for high speed vehicular traffic

... Answer is D


3. Portion of road surface used for vehicular traffic

... Answer is A


4. In which of the following surveys of road soil profile, sampling done upto a depth of 1m to 3m below the existing ground level?

... Answer is A


5. In Water Bound Mecadam roads

... Answer is D


6. Department of Public Works  was formed to look after  the work of road construction during the period of

... Answer is A


7. Motor Vehicle  Act was enacted in

... Answer is D


8. Unit cost of transportation Au on a section of highway may be calculated as____________ where L= length of highway in Km, N=Total number of vehicles on road per year, A= Total annual cost of highway transpotation.

... Answer is B


9. State Highways should have_____m wide carriage and ____m wide shoulders on each aide.

... Answer is D


10. Total Annual cost of highway transportation , A can be calculated as_________, where B=Annula cost of highway, C=Annula cost of single vehicle operation, N=Total number of vehicles on road per year.

... Answer is B


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