Methods of Structural Analysis 1


1. The principle of virtual work can be applied to elastic system by considering the virtual work of

... Answer is C


2. castigliano's first theorem is applicable

... Answer is C


3. principle of superposition is applicable when

... Answer is A


4. in moment distribution method,the sum of distribution factors of all the members meeting at any joint is always

... Answer is C


5. the carryover factor in a prismatic member whose far end is fixed is

... Answer is B


6. the carryover factor in a prismatic member whose far end is hinged is

... Answer is A


7. the moment required to rotate the near end of a prismatic beam through a unit angle without translation , the far end being simply supported, is given by

... Answer is A


8. the moment required to rotate the near end of a prismatic beam through unit angle, without translation ( the far eng being fixed), is given by

... Answer is D


9. if M is the external moment which rotates the near end of a prismatic beam without translation ( the far end being fixed), then the moment induced at the far end is

... Answer is A


10. the principle of superposition is not applicable when
        (i)     the material does not obey Hooke's law
        (ii)    the effects of temperature changes are taken into consideration
        (iii)   the structure is being analysed for the effect of support settlement
     the correct answer is    

... Answer is A

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