Major Highway development -introduction to Highway Engineering

Father of Modern roads John Mecadam

Historic developments of road

Roman roads          Pioneers of road construction (Appian way)

Trésaguet               Gradient and slope introduced Gradient 1 in 45

Metcalf                   290Km road stretch- No records available

Telford                    Cross drainage introduced Gradient 1 in 45

Macadam               First scientific approach Gradient 1 in 36


Chronology of Indian Highway development

1927   Jayker Committee or Indian Road Committee

1929   Central Road Fund (recommendation of Jayker Committee)

1930   Central Road Organization (CRO)

1934   Indian Road Congress (IRC) HQ at New Delhi

1939   Motor Vehicle Act

1950   Central Rural Research Institute (CRRI)

1956   National Highway Act

1960   Border Road Organization (BRO)

1973   Highway Research Board (HRB)

1979   National Transport Policy Committee (NTPC)

1988   National Highway Authority of India (NHAI)

1995   Airport Authority of Indai (AAI)     

2000   Pradhan Manthri Sadak Joyana

20 year Road development Plans

20 Year Plans




16 Km/100 SqKm area



32 Km/100 SqKm area



46-88 Km/100 SqKm area


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