Specific Gravity of fine aggregate

To determine specific gravity of a given sample of fine aggregate.

Pycnometer, A 1 000-ml measuring cylinder, well-ventilated oven, Taping rod, Filter papers and funnel

1. Sample of about 500 g shall be placed in the tray and covered with distilled water at a temperature of 22 to 32°C.. The sample shall remain immersed for 24 ± l/2 hours.

2. The water shall then be carefully drained from the sample. The saturated and surfacedry sample shall be weighed(weightA).

3. The aggregate shall then be placed in the pycnometer which shall be filled with distilled water. Any trapped air shall be eliminated by rotating the pycnometer on its side, the hole in the apex of the cone being covered with a finger. The pycnometer shall be dried on the outside and weighed (weight B).

4. The contents of the pycnometer shall be emptied into the tray, The pycnometer shall be refilled with distilled water to the same level as 21 before, dried on the outside and weighed (weight C).

5. The water shall then be carefully drained from the sample. The sample shall be placed in the oven in the tray at a temperature of 100 to 110°C for 24 f l/2 hoursIt shall be cooled in the air-tight container and weighed (weightD).

Specific gravity =
Apparent Specific gravity =
Water absorption =
A = weight in g of saturated surface-dry sample,
B = weight in g of pycnometer or gas jar containing sample and filled with distilled
C =weight in gof pycnometer or gas jar filled with distilled water only ,and
D = weight in gof oven-dried sample.

Result :
i) The Specific Gravity of a given sample of fine aggregate is found to be …….
ii) The Water Absorption of a given sample of fine aggregate is found to be ……. %

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