To determined impact strength of steel- Izode test

To Determine the impact strength of steel by Izod impact test

1.Impact testing machine
2. A steel specimen 75 mm X 10mm X 10mm

An impact test signifies toughness of material that is ability of material to absorb energy during plastic deformation. Static tension tests of unnotched specimens do not always reveal the susceptibility of a metal to brittle fracture.This important factor is determined by impact test.

1. With the striking hammer (pendulum) in safe test position, firmly hold the steel specimen in impact testing machine’s vice in such a way that the notch face the hammer and is half inside and half above the top surface of the vice.
2. Bring the striking hammer to its top most striking position unless it is already there, and lock it at that position.
3. Bring indicator of the machine to zero, or follow the instructions of the operating manual supplied with the machine.
4. Release the hammer. It will fall due to gravity and break the specimen through its momentum, the total energy is not absorbed by the specimen. Then it continues to swing. At its topmost height after breaking the specimen, the indicator stops moving, while the pendulum falls back. Note the indicator at that topmost final position.
5. Again bring back the hammer to its idle position and back

1. Impact value of - Mild Steel ------------N-m
2. Impact value of - Brass ------------N-m
3. Impact value of - Aluminum ------------N-m

i) Modulus of rigidity of mild steel rod is ------------- N/mm2
ii) Modulus of rigidity of Aluminum rod is ------------- N/mm2

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