index properties 2


1. Ratio of difference between void ratio in loosest state and it's natural void ratio to the difference between the void ratio in loosest ratio to dense state

... Answer is D 


2. Particle size range is measured by

... Answer is C 


3. Soil having particles of nearly same size is known as

... Answer is A


4. A soil having uniformity coefficient more than 10, it is called__________

... Answer is B 


5. In hydrometer analysis reading is always taken from the

... Answer is B
Also hydrometer readings increase in the downward direction, towards the bulb 


6. The ratio of unconfined compressive strength of undisturbed soil to the unconfined compressive strength of soil in a remoulded state is called

... Answer is C


7. Sensitivity of a highly sensitive clay like bentonite or black cotton soil is_______

... Answer is C


8. Activity number for bentonite clay is

... Answer is D 


9. Plasticity index for for sand is______

... Answer is D


10. When the particle of soil are oriented edge to edge or face to face with respect to one another, the soil is said to have

... Answer is D 


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