Hydrometer and Pipette method of analysis-Index properties MCQ
1. Pipette method is standard _____________ method used in laboratory
2. In hydrometer analysis reading is always taken from the
hydrometer readings increase in the downward direction, towards the bulb
3. Hydrometer readings increase in the____________ direction, towards the bulb
4. The difference between Hydrometer method and Pipette method is _________
5. The process of removal of organic matter and calcium compounds is called__________
6. The nature of correction of temperature for hydrometer is_________
7. Dispersion correction for hydrometer is always
8. The visibility of soil suspension in hydrometer method of analysis is__________
Density of the soil suspension is high
9. Dispersing agents added to soil in pipette method is known as__________agent.
Dspersion agents gives cementing properties to the soil || Calgon is Sodium hexametaphospate, which is used for preparing the soil suspension
10. Which one is more accurate method of sedimentation analysis
Pipette method is more accurate. However for quick particle size analysis hydrometer method is used.
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