Soil-Origin and Properties 1


1. Soil transported by water is called

... Answer is C


2. Which among the following is an example for lacustrine soil?

... Answer is C
Lacustrine soil-transported by water and deposited in lakes


3. Soils like humus, muck, peat are examples of__________formed by the decomposition of organic matters.

... Answer is A
Organic soil or cumulose soil.- Not used for engineering purposes.


4. Cohesion less soils are

... Answer is A 


5. A fine grained soil is which has 

... Answer is D 


6. Submerged soil is based on

... Answer is C


7. Water content or moisture content can have values

... Answer is D 
Water come can have any values greater than zero


8. Which soil is more denser

... Answer is A 
Cohesion less soil has more density than cohesion soil


9. Which method gives accurate value for water content of soil?

... Answer is D


10. Due to compaction the void ratio of a soil is reduced from 1 to 0.6 . What is the percentage volume loss accounted?

... Answer is B


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