Geometric Design of Highway 6


1. As per IRC, length of the road visible to driver (eye level) at any instant shall be_________

... Answer is C


2. As per IRC, height of obstruction above road surface is______

... Answer is C


3. As per IRC, Reaction time is__________

... Answer is A
For simple cases reaction time is 1.5 sec: For complex cases 3 to 4 sec

4. Bus bay should be located________ distance away from a junction.

... Answer is D


5. Minimum width of footpath is______

... Answer is B


6. As per IRC, height of overtaken vehicle

... Answer is C


7. Stopping sight distance=

... Answer is C
SSD=Vt + V2/2gf


8. Rate of change of radial accleration governs the

... Answer is A


9. Minimum length of a valley curve should be such that the headlight beam sight distance is equal to the_________

... Answer is D


10. As per IRC, minimum length of summit or valley curve should not be less than _____the design speed in Km/hr

... Answer is B


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