Geometric Design of Highway 7


1. Alignment of road is finally desided on the basis of

... Answer is C


2. A track of width 1 to 1.2m constructed along selected alignment to facilitate access to area for inspection and detailed survey is called______

... Answer is C


3. At the end of reconnaissance phase, selected alignment is pegged by using about 2m high poles on which the

... Answer is D


4. Hill roads are also known as________

... Answer is D


5. A terrain with cross slope less than 10% is__________

... Answer is D


6. Curve at the ridge of hill having a convex shape is called____________

... Answer is C
Salient curve-Curve having convexity at outer edge of the hill road: Summit- Convexity upwards

7. Curve having convexity at the inner edge of the hill___________

... Answer is C


8. Formation width on straights for motorable road carrying a total load less than 100 tonnes per day , is___________

... Answer is B


9. In hill roads minimum sight distance required is___________

... Answer is D


10. In initial stage of construction of hilly roads, no curve should have a radius less than____________

... Answer is C


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