Soil-Origin and Properties 2


1. Which among the following is a quick method of determination of water content of soil

... Answer is C
Wet soil+ calcium carbide-->acetylene gas; amount of acetylene gas is directly proportional to water content of soil


2. Core cutter method is suitable for

... Answer is C


3. Property of soil which is of great importance in civil engineering aspect

... Answer is A


4. If soil pores are completely full of air, it is said to be

... Answer is D


5. Void ratio for saturated soil is equal to product of 

... Answer is B


6. Maximum size of clay particles_____mm

... Answer is B 


7. Specific gravity of a soil is the ratio of unit weight of soil solids to that of water at a temperature of__

... Answer is C 


8. Sand replacement method is used for

... Answer is D 


9. If value of void ratio for a soil is less, it indicates

... Answer is C 


10. Specific gravity of a soil sample is 2.7 and it's void ratio is .945. of it is fully saturated the moisture content of the soil will be______

... Answer is B


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