Geometric Design of Highway 5


1. Horizontal curve on a road provides

... Answer is A


2. Curve whose radius gradually changes from an infinite value to a finite value or vice versa for the purpose of giving easy change of direction of road is called _______

... Answer is C


3. Ideal shape of transition curve is

... Answer is D


4. Cubic Parabola is set out by ___________

... Answer is D


5. Which of the following is not a Transition curve

... Answer is B
A transition curve can never be a Compound curve

6. When deflection angle is large_________ curve is preffered.

... Answer is C
It is set out by polar deflection angle


7. Length of transition curve is directly proportional to__________

... Answer is A
Length of transition curve = V3/CR --V in m/s


8. When transition curve is introduced, the resulting curve is shifted inward by a certain distance is _________
... Answer is A


9. Point where alignment changes from curve to straight

... Answer is B


10. Centrifugal ratio or impact factor is

... Answer is A
W=weight of vehicle, V=velocity, R=radius of curve, P=Centrifugal force


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