1. Control points while designing highway alignment is called
These are 2 types-Points through which alignment pass through(eg Road,Bridge) : Points through which alignment should not pass through ( eg Religious places)
2. Maximum amount of super elevation should not be greater than
3. The distance travelled by a moving vehicle during perception time and break time is called____________
4. According to IRC coefficent of lateral friction lies between
5. Best alignment is carried out by
6. Maximum width of vehicle as per IRC
7. Instrument used to measure unevenness of road surface
8. Rough plan including existing roads and the places to be connected are
Key plan is not to scale: In INDEX plan topographical features are marked using symbols
9. If longitudnal movement of tyre is greater than that of rotational movement, then it is known as __________ of tyre
Longitudnal movement greater Skid (alphabetically first):
Longitudnal movement lesser Slip (alphebetically second)
10. Maximum super elevation on hill road shall not exceed
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