Geometric Design of Highway 1


1. Control points while designing highway alignment is called

... Answer is C

These are 2 types-Points through which alignment pass through(eg Road,Bridge) : Points through which alignment should not pass through ( eg Religious places)


2. Maximum amount of super elevation should not be greater than

... Answer is A 


3. The distance travelled by a moving vehicle during perception time and break time is called____________

... Answer is B


4. According to IRC coefficent of lateral friction lies between

... Answer is D


5. Best alignment is carried out by

... Answer is B


6. Maximum width of vehicle as per IRC

... Answer is C


7. Instrument used to measure unevenness of road surface

... Answer is C


8. Rough plan including existing roads and the places to be connected are

... Answer is C
Key plan is not to scale: In INDEX plan topographical features are marked using symbols


9. If longitudnal movement of tyre is greater than that of rotational movement, then it is known as __________ of tyre

... Answer is A
Longitudnal movement greater Skid (alphabetically first): 
Longitudnal movement lesser Slip (alphebetically second)

10. Maximum super elevation on hill road shall not exceed

... Answer is A

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